Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Back to School - Fortune Tellers

It's that time again!  I'm going to start posting some back to school ideas to get us focused on fun, engaging activities for the coming year.  Let's start with preparing some fortune tellers----or what we used to call "cootie catchers" when I was young.  Use this link to my web site where you can download the pattern:

 It already has the numbers and words written on it.  Just make a copy for each student. They probably already know how to fold them to fit on their hands.   Use them in a number of ways:

1) Use them when you conference with students about fiction that they've read.  Hold the folded fortune teller in your hand and have them pick a number. This will get the conversation directed towards one of the story elements, and they can elaborate about that element.

2) Before reading, have students turn to a partner and use them to make predictions about the different story elements they choose.  Let them share why they make that prediction based on title, pictures, etc.

3) The fortune tellers can be used by partners or in small groups to absorb some extra time when that group has finished reading until the whole class can gather to discuss.  

4) Use it with the class to review and summarize a piece that's been read.  Just wander around the class, randomly choosing students to pick a number and share what they've learned about that story element.  

Remember that the basic pattern can be used and changed in endless ways----vocabulary words and definitions, text structures, math problems, etc.  Use your imagination!  

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