I don't know what I would do without the web site wordsmith.org. I use it constantly to plan Making Words lessons. Click on "anagram" on their homepage. Then, just insert a big word that correlates with your theme and the site will tell you all of the word arrangement possibilities for that word. For example, the word "investigate," a good science word, has over 1,600 little words that can be made by those 11 letters!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Editing Idea
Lindsey, a teacher in the AISA school in Abu Dhabi where I worked last week, shared this idea about encouraging students to edit their writing. Once Lindsey has her students in writing cylces (where they write several good pieces before choosing one to publish), she asked them to edit their work before coming to her for their conference. To encourage this part of the writing process, she asks that they turn backwards in their desks, straddling the seatback with their paper propped up on the seatback as they read their own paper to themselves. In just a glance around the room, she's able to see who's editing and preparing for the writing conference. She also says the students love the idea because it's novel. Great idea, Lindsey! Thanks for allowing me to share it!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Great classroom game!
This idea came from my granddaughter's teacher in Charleston. She uses the web site http://www.superteachertools.com/millionaire/ to create a "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" type game for her class to review important points in her lesson. The kids love it, and I hope you will, too! The site makes plugging in your questions easy, and the format really motivates kids. Let me hear from you if you try it.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Time Lines
No more boring timelines! You'll love this web site for having students design interactive timelines. Timetoast.com allows you and your students to create timelines with text, pictures (you upload), and links. There's no audio but you can link to sites that have audio (speeches, etc.). The site is free. Students can log onto your account without creating accounts of their own. Hope you'll love it and share back your experience with it!