Monday, July 5, 2010

Pocket charts you'll want!

Our Target store has a great deal on affordable desktop pocket charts right now.  They are approximately 11" X 15" and come in a durable canvas-type material in bright, pretty colors.  They are trifold to allow for 5 pockets on each side of the chart.  These would be perfect for individual students (maybe all your students!), small groups, or tutoring situations.  The cost is only $2.50!  They are displayed in the front of our store where the dollar-store type bins are.  I can think of so many ways to use these!  Get 'em now while you can!


Saturday, July 3, 2010

We could provide greater help to struggling readers...

Research studies suggest that we really do have a good idea of how to accelerate reading development of the instructionally needy students in our schools.  The problem: Most schools provide nothing like the interventions that were offered in these studies.  (Allington, 2009)  In Allington's What Really Matters in RtI, he actually lists the programs that are supported by research....and the ones that aren't.  Among the ones that have NO independent research to support them: Breakthrough to Literacy, Carbo Reading Styles, SuccessMaker Reading, Soar to Success, Direct Instruction...among lots of others that I see in many schools.  Hope your reading program isn't on that list!